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Anti Money Laundering Workshop Held in Mexico City (March 2-3, 2006)
The Anti-Money Laundering Training for Latin American and Caribbean Parliamentarians seminar brought together parliamentarians from across the Latin American and Caribbean region in the Senate of Mexico ( Mexico City) for a two day capacity building seminar on anti-money laundering initiatives and combating the financing of terrorism. The seminar was funded by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Human Security Program, and Scotiabank and was hosted by the Senate of Mexico. To read the report CLICK HERE
Kyrgyz National Chapter Study Visit to Ottawa, Canada (March 7th to 9th, 2006)
The Kyrgyz National Chapter recently undertook a study visit to Ottawa to examine the role of parliamentarians in fighting corruption, the Canadian system of ensuring accountability and transparency in governance and the work of GOPAC. Participants were also provided with an introduction to Anti Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and its relationship to the role of parliamentarians; followed by a comprehensive approach to the UN/other international treaties and conventions and FATF recommendations. The program examined how Canada has implemented its AML/CFT regime, how FINTRAC works, its effectiveness and the role of parliamentarians in this process. Participants include the founding members of the Kyrgyz National Chapter (KPAC) of GOPAC; Hon. Kubatbek Baibolov, Hon. Azimbek Beknazarov, Hon. Temirbek Sariev, Hon.Tayirbek Sarpashev, and the Hon. Melis Eshimkanov. Also participating was the Executive Secretary of KPAC, Mr. Kuban Omuraliev and Mr. Shamshybek Medetbekov, Member of the Board of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic and a representative from the Financial Investigation Services of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Anti Money Laundering Law Passed in Kyrgyzstan
The Kygyz Parliament - known as Jogorku Kenesh - has passed legislation titled “Counteraction to the terrorism financing and laundering of incomes derived by means of crime”. The adoption of the Law was part of the Kyrgyz National Chapter's (KPAC) 2006 work plan and was also included in the Action Plan for implementation of the State Strategy for Combating Corruption in the Kyrgyz Republic. KPAC members were active in promoting the passage of the Law, having studied the Canadian experience in combating money laundering and terrorism financing during their study-tour to Canada in March 2006.
For more information on the law and KPAC activities please contact Kuban Omuraliev at omuraliev@kpac.kg
Kyrgyz National Chapter establishes Website
The Kyrgyz National Chapter is pleased to announce the founding of its website at http://www.kpac.kg/ Please note that the website is only available in Kyrgyz, Russian and English.
Kyrgyz National Chapter Holds Anti Money Laundering Conference
On March 20, 2006 a conference dedicated to the fight against money laundering and financing terrorism was held in Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan by the Kyrgyz National Chapter of GOPAC. The conference was organized with assistance from the Government of Canada and the OSCE Center in Bishkek and was attended by representatives of President’s Administration, Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament), Government, and Office of Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, diplomatic missions, international organizations and NGOs. For more information CLICK HERE
Deuxième Assemblée générale de la section latino-américaine et élections des dirigeants en Argentine
Le 7 avril 2006, la section latino-américaine de la GOPAC (PLACC) a tenu sa deuxième réunion annuelle (et élu un nouveau conseil d’administration) à Buenos Aires. Plus de 88 législateurs étaient présents ainsi que des experts de différents pays et le président de la GOPAC, le député John Williams. Pour lire le procès-verbal, CLIQUEZ ICI. L’assemblée a eu lieu parallèlement aux séances du Parlatino. Le sénateur César Camacho, vice-président nouvellement élu de la PLACC, a prononcé un discours sur les relations entre le Congrès et le gouvernement à cette occasion. Pour lire le texte de ce discours, CLIQUEZ ICI.
European Transparency Initiative Green Paper
The European Commission agreed on May 4th, 2006 to a green paper on the European Transparency Initiative (ETI), an initiative to strengthen ethics rules for EU policy-makers and the estimated 15,000 lobbyists, NGOs and other pressure groups who seek to influence them in Brussels. Consultation with stakeholders is expected to take place for the next several months. GOPAC's European Chapter Chair, Ms. Edith Mastenbroek MEP, has welcomed this initiative in a PRESS RELEASE.
More information on the ETI can be found at
European Chapter Holds Elections
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Alain Destexhe ( Senator, Belgium) Stuart Gilman (UNODC), Carl Schlyter (MP, Sweden) and Edith Mastenbroek (MEP, Netherlands) |
The European chapter of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC), held a conference on January 13th in the French National Assembly to elect its board and to debate ways of confronting the problem of corruption in Europe. Michel Hunault, deputy in the French National Assembly, co-hosted the event along with Edith Mastenbroek, Member of the European Parliament from the Netherlands. To read the press release CLICK HERE
ARPAC-Yemen and NDI-Yemen to Hold Anti Corruption Workshop
Corruption is an issue that affects all aspects of Yemeni society. The highest authorities within the Republic recognize the need to address this problem. In an effort to assist in this important work the local chapter of GOPAC, YemenPAC and NDI Yemen are working together to hold a workshop. This workshop aims to inform participants of the nature of corruption, the consequences, and the tools available to legislators to combat corruption.
In addition, the Government of the Republic of Yemen recently introduced legislation which, among other things, would create a national anti-corruption agency. Parliamentarians will be required to assess the legislation and approve, amend or reject it. The workshop’s second component will include an exploration of successful elements of anti-corruption agencies around the World. This session will provide participants the opportunities to discuss the importance of this national initiative, and the need to assist the State in efforts to combat corruption. Participants have been invited from various sectors of Yemeni society; Parliament, media, academia, government, and NGOs.
The workshop will be held on Thursday, February 23rd from 10 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the Hadda Hotel (Best Western Hotel), on Hadda Street. For more information please contact Carlo Binda at carlo.binda@ndiyemen.org
Transparency International-Zimbabwe (TI-Z) and the African Parliamentarian Network Against Corruption Zimbabwe (APNAC) welcomed the Reserve Bank Governor, Dr. Gideon Gono’s remarks on the fight against corruption in his forth quarter monetary policy review statement yesterday. As Parliamentarians and TI-Z we are prepared and willing to compliment the efforts by the RBZ towards eliminating corruption in our nation.
Caribbean Chapter Interim Chair Senator Mary K. King's Op-Ed on the Declaration of Assets for Senators in Trinidad and Tobago
To read the op ed CLICK HERE
GOPAC Resolution adopted at the 2006 Annual Session in Brussels, Belgium
Over 200 parliamentarians from across the OSCE took part in the Annual Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels, in which the Assembly also passed the Brussels Declaration which includes recommendations in the fields of security, economics, environmental affairs and humanitarian issues. Chapter II Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions contains a Motion on the Global Organisation of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (pg. 31) - calling for greater cooperation between the two organisations. To read the motion, see http://www.oscepa.org/admin/
getbinary.asp?FileID=1471 Please note that the motion is only available in English, French and Russian.
GOPAC Chair Responds to Criticism of Canadian Parliamentarians
Chair of GOPAC, John Williams MP (Canada) responds to a criticism of the oversight abilities of Canadian parliamentarians made in an Op Ed piece in the Ottawa Citizen (August 24th). To see the original article click here and to read Mr. Williams response click here
TI Report on Anti-Corruption Conventions in the Americas and Civil Society
Transparency International (TI) has released the latest publication on anti-corruption conventions. In an effort to inform and bring these conventions closer to civil society, the Americas Department of TI has recently launched the guide: Anti-Corruption Conventions in the Americas: What Civil Society Can Do to Make Them Work. In this publication, a special focus is given towards the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption and the United Nation’s Convention against Corruption, which arevital conventions to curb corruption in the region.
Here you can read the pdf version of the guide:
Oxfam America Report: Transparency Begins at Home: An Assessment of United States Revenue Transparency and Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Requirements” (June 2006)
Oxfam America has released its report “Transparency Begins at Home: An Assessment of United States Revenue Transparency and Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Requirements.” The report compares how the United States collects, verifies and discloses the benefit streams it is due from the gas, oil, and mining industries to the standards of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.
Download the report: or go to the Oxfam America web page at www.oxfamamerica.org Please note that the report is only available in English.
10 Myths About Governance and Corruption" New Article By Daniel Kaufmann
Featured in the 'Back to Basics' section of Finance and Development (F&D), the quarterly magazine of the IMF - Kaufman's article examines whether good governance and controlling corruption are really so fundamental for development?
To read the article http://www.imf.org/pubs/ft/fandd/2005/09/basics.htm
2nd GOPAC Global Conference
The 2nd GOPAC Global Conference was held in Arusha, Tanzania September 19th to 23rd, 2006. The Conference was a joint initiative by GOPAC, the Parliament of Tanzania and APNAC. For more information on the event CLICK HERE.
Mar 24, 2011