GOPAC Global Task Force on the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (GTF-UNCAC)


GOPAC’s involvement in the UNCAC began with its participation at the Merida, Mexico signing ceremony in December 2003. Based on consultations with a global team of members, John Williams as Chair of GOPAC declared the organization’s support for the UNCAC, but also noted that strong parliamentary oversight would be essential to its effective implementation.

A resolution of the GOPAC Global Conference in Arusha Tanzania in September, 2006 outlined the commitment to form a task force to promote the effective implementation of the UNCAC and also identify complementary improvements in the governance roles of parliamentarians. The Jordan Forum of Parliamentarians took the further step of identifying specific actions parliamentarians could take.

    The GTF-UNCAC Task Force consists of the following parliamentarians:
  • Dr. Naser J. Al-Sane (Lead and also the Chair of GOPAC)
  • Amadou Bouare, Mali
  • Kamarudin Jaffar, Malaysia
  • Juan Manuel Galán, Colombia
  • Fuad Muradov, Azerbaijan
  • Rachel Shebesh, Kenya

For further information please contact:

Nola Juraitis, GTF-UNCAC Secretary