At GOPAC's 4th Global Conference, held in Mexico City in March 2011, the membership discussed and approved a number of position statements, declarations and resolutions which collectively sets the agenda for the organization over the coming years.
The Combined Mexican Documents include the declaration, summary of resolutions and the briefing notes plus updated resolutions.
The Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption (GOPAC) is an international network of parliamentarians dedicated to good governance and combating corruption throughout the world. This website is intended to be a portal for parliamentarians and others, interested in joining forces to fight corruption and promote good governance.

At GOPAC's 3rd Global Conference, held in Kuwait, the membership discussed and approved a number of position statements, declarations and resolutions which collectively sets the agenda for the organisation over the coming years.
Preventing Corruption: UNCAC Toolkit for Parliamentarians
Under the guidance of a GOPAC Global Task Force of parliamentarians, GOPAC and the Oslo office of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), have developed a toolkit that brings together GOPAC policy positions and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). This work also benefitted from the participation of the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) which serves as the Secretariat for the UNCAC.
It provides a reporting framework (that can be adapted to regional and national circumstances) for parliamentarians to assess their own roles in preventing corruption through legislation, oversight and representation. It is important that the toolkit be used by groups of parliamentarians, e.g. GOPAC national chapters in conjunction with civil society and other stakeholders to produce a country report.
The toolkit is intended to facilitate the identification of strengths and weaknesses as well as areas for technical assistance and parliamentary strengthening in corruption prevention. It will also serve as a basis for the GOPAC Global Monitoring report. A regional parliamentary workshop on the toolkit was held in partnership with UNDP and others in Accra, Ghana in March. Workshops are also planned for Paraguay in July 2010 as well as the Philippines in the fall of 2010.
There are two versions of the toolkit, a summary and a more detailed longer version.
Nov 16, 2010