Central Asian Chapter

A Central Asian Regional Chapter is in the process of formation under the leadership of Hon. Temir Sariev, MP, Chair of the Kyrgyz Republic National Chapter. For more information please contact:
Kuban Omuraliev
Executive Director of KPAC
40 Manas Ave., room #328
Bishkek 720040, Kyrgyz Republic
Tel.: +996 (312) 622445
Fax: +996 (312) 901990
www.kpac.kg |
What's New
Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
The Anti-Corruption Network was established in 1998. The main objective of the ACN is to support its member countries in their fight against corruption by providing a regional forum for the promotion of anti-corruption activities, exchange of information, elaboration of best practices and donor coordination.
The ACN includes countries from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. The OECD member states are also taking part in the ACN activities. The main counterparts of the ACN are the national governments and anti-corruption authorities of the participating countries. Civil society, business associations, international organisations and international financial institutions (IFIs) are also taking an active part in the ACN.
The ACN is one of the outreach programmes of the OECD Working Group on Bribery. The ACN Secretariat is based at the Anti-Corruption Division of the OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, at the OECD Headquarters in Paris.
Steering Group
To guide the Secretariat, the ACN Steering Group was established in January 1999. The Steering Group brings together representatives of the participating countries, OECD countries, international organisations and IFIs. The Steering Group guides the Secretariat in developing, implementing, and assessing the ACN Work Programme. The most recent meeting of the Steering Group took place in September 2004 in Paris (see the Summary Record for further information).

Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
The Anti-Corruption Network was established in 1998. The main objective of the ACN is to support its member countries in their fight against corruption by providing a regional forum for the promotion of anti-corruption activities, exchange of information, elaboration of best practices and donor coordination. Click here for more information. |
Letter from Hon. Baibolov |
Kuban Omuraliev, Head of Secretariat for the Kyrgyz National Chapter, Mr. John Williams, Chair of GOPAC and Mr. Jermyn Brooks, the member, Board of Directors of the Transparency International.
Kyrgyz National Chapter Seeks International Support
The most important aspect for development of Kyrgyzstan since independence has been the large-scale financial and technical assistance rendered to the country by the international community. The impressive amount of foreign aid, which Kyrgyzstan has, and continues to receive, presumes that there should be significant results from these donations/investments. Issues such as the effectiveness and transparency of foreign assistance as well as constant and independent monitoring by civil society should become priorities in Kyrgyzstan. The Kyrgyz National Chapter proposes to carry out an analysis of how foreign aid has been used and propose recommendations for future action. The proposed project also aims to increase civil society knowledge of state structures and the role and priorities of the donor community. To read the project proposal CLICK HERE. |
Kyrgyz National Chapter Study Visit to Ottawa, Canada (March 7th to 9th, 2006)
The Kyrgyz National Chapter recently undertook a study visit to Ottawa to examine the role of parliamentarians in fighting corruption, the Canadian system of ensuring accountability and transparency in governance and the work of GOPAC. Participants were also provided with an introduction to Anti Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and its relationship to the role of parliamentarians; followed by a comprehensive approach to the UN/other international treaties and conventions and FATF recommendations. The program examined how Canada has implemented its AML/CFT regime, how FINTRAC works, its effectiveness and the role of parliamentarians in this process. Participants include the founding members of the Kyrgyz National Chapter (KPAC) of GOPAC; Hon. Kubatbek Baibolov, Hon. Azimbek Beknazarov, Hon. Temirbek Sariev, Hon.Tayirbek Sarpashev, and the Hon. Melis Eshimkanov. Also participating was the Executive Secretary of KPAC, Mr. Kuban Omuraliev and Mr. Shamshybek Medetbekov, Member of the Board of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic and a representative from the Financial Investigation Services of the Kyrgyz Republic. A report on the visit as well as copies of presentations made will be made available shortly.
Kyrgyz National Chapter Holds Anti Money Laundering Conference
On March 20, 2006 a conference dedicated to the fight against money laundering and financing terrorism was held in Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan by the Kyrgyz National Chapter of GOPAC. The conference was organized with assistance from the Government of Canada and the OSCE Center in Bishkek and was attended by representatives of President’s Administration, Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament), Government, and Office of Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, diplomatic missions, international organizations and NGOs. For more information CLICK HERE |
Participants from the National Chapter Launch. Kuban Omuraliev, Head of Secretariat for the Kyrgyz National Chapter is in the center.
Panellists from the National Chapter. National Chapter Chair Hon. Baibolov is third from the left. |
Global Organization of Parliamentarians
Against Corruption - GOPAC
C/O Parliamentary Centre
255 Albert Street Suite 802 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6A9 Canada
Tel: 613.237.0143 Ext. 371 Fax: 613.235.8237
info@gopacnetwork.org |