Fourth GOPAC Global Conference to be Held in Mexico City
It is our pleasure to extend an invitation to you to the
4th Global Conference of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC)
to be held in Mexico City, Mexico from March 11-13, 2011. As you are aware, this Conference is the joint initiative of the Senate of Mexico, GOPAC and its Mexican and Latin American Chapters.
Please note that the deadline for registrations is March 9, 2011.

New guide on UNCAC Self-Assessment
UNDP has launched a new guide on UNCAC Self-Assessment. In this Guide there is a reference to the UNDP-GOPAC Toolkit for Parliamentarians as an assessment tool aimed at facilitating more active parliamentary involvement in the implementation, oversight and monitoring of UNCAC.
Exchange of views: GOPAC/GRECO - Strasbourg, 30/09/2010
Mr. Ghassan Moukheiber, Chair of GOPAC's Global Task Force on Parliamentary
Ethics and Conduct,
was invited to be a keynote speaker at GRECO's
Corruption Prevention in Parliamentary Assemblies in preparation for its
Fourth Evaluation Round.
Further information on this is available on the GRECO site: The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)
The Handbook on Parliamentary Ethics and Conduct,
A guide for Parliamentarians is now available. This document guides Parliamentarians in how they develop the various building blocks of an effective ethics and conduct regime – a regime that is consistent with their respective political and cultural contexts, and at the same time, adheres to fundamental international standards.

ARPAC Web Site Link
The Arab Region Parliamentarians Against Corruption (ARPAC) Web Site
Parliamentary Capacity Building Program Officer
The Revenue Watch Institute seeks a
Parliamentary Capacity Building Program Officer
to be based in London.
Arab Parliamentary Bulletin - Issue 6
Read this issue for current information on news about the Arab regions.

GOPAC Summer Newsletter - 2010, Volume 7 No. 3
GOPAC’s Summer newsletter was released in early September. The newsletter, available in English, French and Spanish, contains articles on the Annual GOPAC Executive Committee Meeting, the upcoming UNCAC Global Task Force Meeting in Manila, and the election of Hon. Given Lubinda as the vice-chair of GOPAC. Stay tuned for the Fall edition of the newsletter and updates on the Monitoring Report and the upcoming Biennial Global Conference being held in Mexico City in 2011.
Interview with Roy Cullen, AML GTF Chair
Interview with Hon. Roy Cullen, GOPAC treasurer and the Chair of
the Anti Money Laundering Task Force was published in the Globe and Mail on August 30, 2010.
GOPAC National Chapter Formation - Lessons Learned
In the following document, Hon. Willias Madzimure (MP, Zimbabwe) provides insight into the lessons learned when forming a GOPAC National Chapter. This document was taken from a speech he made while attending the recent Parliamentary Oversight Global Task Force meeting in Asuncion, Paraguay in July 2010.
GOPAC National Chapter Formation - Lessons Learned
New GOPAC Blog Page
Look at the post written by the Honourable Willias Madzimure, Zimbabwe APNAC on our
new Blog page. Add your own comment!
Spreading the Gospel of Good Governance: GOPAC Feature in Edmonton Journal
On Sunday, July 11, 2010, the Edmonton Journal published an article about GOPAC CEO John Williams entitled “Spreading the Gospel of Good Governance”. The article focused on Mr. Williams’ extensive work with GOPAC and what the organization seeks to accomplish. The article discusses the development of GOPAC, which Mr. Williams founded in 2002, as well as the next steps that Mr. Williams would like to see the organization take globally.
To read the entire article, see the following link:
GOPAC secretary, Mary King interviewed
Interview with Mary King, GOPAC secretary, senator and minister of Planning, Economic and Social Restructuring and Gender Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago, conducted by the iKNOW Politics network

GOPAC Spring Newsletter - 2010, Volume 7 No. 2
The month of July sees the release of GOPAC’s Spring newsletter. The newsletter, available in English, French and Spanish, contains articles on the 4th Annual ARPAC Conference in Beirut, a meeting of parliamentarians held at the World Bank, and a GOPAC workshop that was held in Accra in March. Stay tuned for the Summer edition of the newsletter and updates on the GOPAC executive meeting and meeting in Paraguay.
AML GTF Meeting
The Anti-Money Laundering Global Task Force will be meeting to launch a major effort to develop tools, techniques, and materials that will assist parliamentarians around the world establish and monitor effective anti-money laundering regimes in their respective jurisdictions.
September 29-30, 2010 - Paris, France.
For more information please contact Irina Koulatchenko, AML GTF secretary, at
New ARPAC Chair Appointed at the 4th Annual ARPAC Conference in Beirut
The 4th Annual Conference for the Arab Region Parliamentarians Against Corruption (ARPAC) was held May the 7th through 9th, 2010 in Beirut, Lebanon. The Parliament was represented by MP Ghassan Moukheiber who spoke on behalf of the Speaker Nabih Berri. Also attending the conference was Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) Chair Dr. Naser J. Al-Sane of Kuwait, who until the conference also doubled as the Chair of ARPAC. Dr. Al-Sane was succeeded by Hon. Moukheiber when he was elected Chair during the ARPAC General Assembly meeting. The General Assembly also elected a new board to ARPAC. This year’s conference, which was themed "Arab Parliamentarians and the Challenges of Effective Engagement against Corruption," touched on topics such as the challenges faced by parliamentarians and also on how to build coalitions that produce effective laws against corruption.
For more information, please visit the ARPAC website, at

GOPAC AML GTF newsletter - March 2010
Read this issue for current information on the GOPAC Anti-Money Laundering Global Task Force (AML GTF).